Hi All,
You guys must be thinking that i am back from my training but nope I am still here for some more time. Then how come i am posting this blog?? Well, they say, "All Work and No Play makes Jack a dull boy". We were also very tired of studying and getting bored. Wanted some excitement and so me and my friend, Gargi decided to bake this cake. We had all the ingredients ready and so thought of giving it a try. Gargi, also shares the same zest for cooking as i do. Here's the recipe. Its very simple and easy and pefect for beginners who are not very experienced in baking.
Ingredients -
1 and 1/2 cup maida (all purpose flour)
1 cup unsalted butter
1 and 1/4 cup sugar
1 tea spoon baking powder
1 tea spoon vanilla essence
4 eggs
Method -
1) Preheat the oven to 350F for 10 mins.
2) Mix the maida and baking powder together and keep it aside.
3) Mix the butter and sugar together in a big bowl.
4) Add the eggs to this mixture and mix well.
5) Now add the 2 tbl spoons flour at a time mixing slowly.
6) Also add vanilla essence to this and mix thouroughly.
7) Grease the baking bowl with oil or butter. Then sprinkle some flour over it.
8) Now add the batter in this bowl and bake the cake for 40 mins on 350F or till a knife inserted comes out clean.
Bhavdeep, our friend decorated the cake with some chocolate pieces. This was looking yuummmmmmy. We decided to celebrate this occasion by asking Harsh, our trainer to cut the cake :).